Why Holotropic Breathwork® ?

Feel More Complete
Welcome and integrate all the rich, sometimes challenging, aspects of yourself.

Healing and Integration
Nurture yourself on the path to recovery from past emotional hurts.

Become more self-aware
Know yourself in new ways. Surprise yourself with new awareness and insights.

What is Holotropic Breathwork® ?
Holotropic Breathwork® has been refined over 50 years. It cannot be carried out online. The minimum configuration is of three people: a breather, a sitter, and a trained facilitator. If you see Holotropic Breathwork®being offered online, or if you do not have a sitter and a facilitator, it is not Holotropic Breathwork® as created by Stan and Christina Grof. The essence of the experience is safety and support. There is more information on the What is Holotropic Breathwork® page.

Support in your journey of self-discovery.
Neil and Sally organise holotropic breathwork events for small groups in the New Forest, in the South of England.
The practice of holotropic breathwork has an ethical framework that has been developed and refined by Grof Transpersonal Training (GTT). GTT has oversight of the quality of the facitlitator training, and ensures that the model is adhered to, that the practice is safe and ethical, and that facilitators undertake continuing professional development.
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Breathwork® Journey
Holotropic Breathwork is a very simple method which supports natural healing and growth through the direct experience of expanded states of consciousness.